"YA ALLAH, sebagaimana Engkau telah membaguskan kejadianku, maka baguskanlah kelakuanku yakni budi pekertiku"

Monday, 30 September 2013

Rebung di rebus dulu sebelum di masak 
Bamboo shoot bring to boil approximately 15 to 20 minutes and wash thoroughly

 Sayur rebung tumis ikann pusu(
Bamboo shoots vege with dried anchovies

Cendawan oyster dan Cendawan jarum
Grey oyster mushrooms and needle mushrooms

Kulat taun
Edible wild mushrooms

More floral design

Its Embroidery iced cookies

Named it as 3D Floral design iced cookies

More floral desings on iced cookies

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Fancy iced cookies with the bride’s and groom’s initials on it

Fancy iced cookies for Majlis Berbedak 

Fancy iced cookies (chocolate biscuits)
for Majlis Berbedak as a gift “bunga telor”

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Udang tumis kari
Shrimps curry

Sotong goreng berlada

Fried squids with chilli

Kari kepala ikan merah

Red Snapper head curry

Cendawan Tiram goreng bertepung
Grey Oyster Mushroom fritters

Wajid beras jawa gula anau

Sambal belacan ulam timun dan kacang bendi

Sambal belacan(shrimp paste) with cucumber and ladies finger

Ikan Tenggiri masak asam pedas

Mackerel asam pedas(hot and spicy)

Ikan masin masak kari dengan kacang bendi
dan terung

Salted fish curry with ladies finger
and egg plant

Masak asam pedas ikan putih

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Umbut Kelapa (Coconut Shoot)

Sayur Umbut Kelapa rebus air