"YA ALLAH, sebagaimana Engkau telah membaguskan kejadianku, maka baguskanlah kelakuanku yakni budi pekertiku"

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

My first Project.

Pineapple tarts orderd by Hajah Nuraini

Congratulation cuppies for my eldest daughter for obtaining a good result on her ICCS

Cuppies for sibah,my lovely cousin.
Especially for Khairunnisa on her Birthday

Ordered by Dena for her baby shower along with iced cookies.

Ordered by a loving husband,J.for his wife's surprise birthday.Along with this he ordered 75pcs assorted cupcakes with different flavors(fruit cuppy,blueberry and nutella)

Ordered by DENA 50pcs butterfly iced cookies(25pcs pink & 25pcs blue) for her 6 months old baby shower occasion.

30pcs iced cookies ordered by a loving mum for her daughter's b'day for giveaway gifts : RatnaBolfadillah